Creating References


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Creating and Managing References


ShipBoss gives you the option to create custom references for internal use on your shipping labels.

Creating a Reference

Head over to the user icon located in the upper right of your screen and select “Settings”.


Head over to the “References” tab and hit “Create New Reference”.


Your references will appear below in list form.

Editing a Reference

You may edit a Reference by simply hitting the “Edit” button on the Reference you wish to change.

The “Create New Reference” dialogue will appear and you may edit the Reference as needed and hit “Save” to keep you changes.

You’ll see a confirmation window indicating your changes were successfully made.

Deleting a Reference

You may Delete a Reference by hitting the “Delete” button on the Reference you wish to change.


You’ll be prompted to confirm you wish to delete the Reference.

Once confirmed, you’ll receive confirmation that the Reference was successfully deleted.


Using your References in a Shipment

When creating a Shipment, you may use custom reference presets on your Labels to enable easy internal tracking.

On the “Ship Page” under the “Package Details” section, click on the “Add-On” dropdown next to the package and select “Reference”.


A “Reference” field will appear below the package and will populate with your presets when starting to type. You may enter a primary and secondary reference for each package group.


One-time Reference

You may also enter a one-time reference in the “Reference” field by simply typing it in.


Setting Default References

In ShipBoss you have the option of setting a default primary and secondary reference for your commonly used reference codes.

Navigate to the user icon in the upper right of your screen and select “Settings”.


You will be brought to the “General Settings” page. Scroll down to “Default Reference” and select a primary, and optional secondary reference from the “Reference” dropdown.

When creating a new shipment, your default references will now automatically populate the reference fields.




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