Address Book Overview


Table of Contents

Address Book

The Address Book is where you’ll store all your frequent shipping addresses and contact info.

You may access the “Address Book” page by heading over to the “Address Book” tab.

Your company address will be set as the default address.

Adding an Address:

Add a new address by clicking the “Add New” button.

The “Create Address” dialogue will appear. You have the option of saving the address to the User or the Company Address Book. Addresses saved to the Company Address Book will be visible to the entire company.

Once you hit “Save” your new address will appear below in List view.

Editing an Address


You may edit an address by clicking on the “Edit” button to the right of the address. This will bring up the “Edit Address” dialogue where you may make changes to address and contact info, as well as user or company visibility.



Setting a Default Address


To set a default address, click on the user icon in the upper right corner and select “Settings”.

This will bring you to the “Settings” page.

You may select a default address from the “Default Address” dropdown. Once done, hit “Save” at the bottom of the “Settings” page.

Your default address will now be the default “From Address” when creating a new shipment.


Deleting an address

You may delete an unwanted address by clicking on the “Delete” button to the right of the address. You will be prompted to confirm you want to proceed with deleting.


Shipping to an address in your Address Book

To ship to an address in your Address Book, simply click the “Ship To This Address” button. This will bring you to the “Ship” page with the selected address set as the “To Address” and you will be able to fill out the rest of your shipment parameters and get rates.

Importing your Addresses into ShipBoss from a CSV file

In ShipBoss, you have the option of importing your addresses from a CSV file directly into your account.

Head over to the “Address Book” tab on the ShipBoss menu.

Select “Download Sample” and a sample CSV file will be downloaded.

Be sure to match your column data to the sample columns as shown below.

You have the option of either saving the addresses to the user’s personal address book, or the company’s address book. In the “save_to” column, you will enter either “user” or “company”.

Once the data is lined up with the sample format, save the file as CSV and hit “Import” on the ShipBoss Address Book page. Select your CSV file and ShipBoss will upload the addresses into your address book.

You should see a message indicating the addresses were successfully imported and they will appear below in list view.


Correcting Invalid Addresses from upload

ShipBoss makes it easy for you to correct any invalid addresses from a CSV file import by filtering them under a separate tab in your address book.

To correct your invalid addresses, navigate to the “Hidden Addresses” tab.

The invalid info for each address will be highlighted in red.

Clicking the “Fix Address” button will bring up the “Edit Address” dialogue with the invalid info field highlighted.


Once you correct your info and click “Save”, your corrected address will now appear along with your valid addresses in the “Address Book” tab.


Exporting your Address Book as a CSV file

You may export your Address Book from ShipBoss for use elsewhere.

Simply click on the “Export” button and a CSV file will download with your addresses and contact info.




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