Scheduling a Pickup

Scheduling a Pickup



Table of Contents

Scheduling a pickup from the “Pickups” page.


To schedule a carrier pickup for your shipment, head over to the “Pickups” tab.


1. Select “Schedule Pickup


2. Select your shipment’s carrier:


4. Set your Pickup parameters including, pickup address, contact details, and pickup details.


Once you hit “Submit Pickup” you will see a message confirming the pickup was successfully scheduled.


Scheduling a pickup from the “Pickups” page.

If you receive an error, try adjusting your pickup window to 4 hours instead of three. If problems still persist, please contact your customer service representative.

Your pickups will appear below with the pickup information as well as the confirmation number.


When necessary, you may cancel a pickup by hitting “Cancel Pickup”.

Scheduling a pickup from the “Ship” page

On the “Ship” page, after selecting your shipping method, toggle the “This shipment requires pickup” switch. You will see a message below notifying you that you will be prompted to enter a pickup date and time after confirming your shipment.

Once you hit "Confirm and Print”, your label/s will print and you will be shown a thumbnail sample along with a “Pickup date and time” submission form.


After hitting “Submit Pickup” you will see a message confirming the pickup was successfully scheduled.


You may view your Pickup details in the “Pickups” tab.


Scheduling a Pickup from the “History” page

You also have the option for setting a pickup for your shipment directly from the “History” page.

Navigate to the “History” tab and you’ll see your shipments in list form.

To the right of the shipment you wish to set a Pickup for, select “Actions” to view the dropdown.

Selecting “Create Pickup” will bring up the “Schedule Pickup” dialogue where you may set your Pickup parameters.





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