Account Settings


Table of Contents

The account settings page is where you will set your default settings, create custom box dimensions, create references, and configure additional settings.

To navigate to your settings page, click the user initials icon in the upper right corner of your screen and select “Settings”.

Reminder! Be sure to hit “Save” at the bottom of the “Settings” page to save your configurations.

General Default Settings

You may set your default Address, Label Type, Package Dimensions and other default settings under the “General Settings” tab.


Default Address

Using the “Default Address” dropdown, select your default address.


Default Label Type

Choose your default label type from the “Default Label Type” dropdown.


Default Package Size

Select your preferred default package by choosing a custom package dimension from the “Default Dimension” dropdown.

See the “Custom Package Sizes” section on how to create customized package dimensions.

Default Reference

Select your Primary default Reference and secondary Reference from the “Default Reference” dropdowns.

For more information on creating custom references, see the “Custom References” section”.



Default Email Notifications

To set Default carrier email notifications:

1) Click the “Manage Email Notifications” button.

2) Toggle the “Receiver/Sender Email Notifications” switches.

3) Select your desired notification types.

4) To send notifications to an email other than the receiver or sender, Enter the email in the “Custom Email” field and select your preferred email notification type.


5) Hit “Save” and your notification settings will appear under “Default Email Notifications”.


6) Toggle the “Default Notification button to activate your default notifications settings for all shipments and hit “Save” on the bottom of the settings page.


For more info on configuring Carrier email notifications, see “Email Notifications”.

Default Package Type

Set your default package type by selecting it from the “Default Package” dropdown.

Default Bill Duties

Set your default Billing entity for international customs by selecting it from the “Bill Duties” dropdown.

Default Shipping Rate Selected

Set your default rate preference under “Default Shipping Rate”. Setting this default will automatically select the option on the “Ship Page” under Rates.

Default shipping service

You may also set your default rate to a specific service.

Select “Carrier” from the “Default Shipping Rate” options, and select the carrier and service from the dropdowns.


Custom Package Sizes

You may create custom package dimensions as needed by clicking heading over to the Dimensions tab and hitting the “Create New Dimensions” button.


Your custom package presets will appear below in List view where you may either edit or delete them as needed.

Custom References

Create custom references by heading over to the “References” tab and hitting “Create New Reference”.


Your references will appear below in list form where you may edit or delete them as needed.

For more info on References, see the “Creating References” page.





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