Table of Contents

Creating a Shipment

When logging into ShipBoss, you will be brought to the “Ship” page by default.

Address Configuration

Setting an address from your Address Book.

You may choose your “From” address using the “Starting AddressAddress Book dropdown. You may also set your “To” address from the dropdown on the “To Address” side.

Once selected, the address and contact info will appear below.

For more info on managing your Address Book, see the “Address Book” help page.

Setting a Custom Address

You may also enter a custom “From” and “To” address by clicking on the “Custom Address” button.

The “Edit Address” dialogue will appear.

Easily find an address using the “Address Search.”

You may easily find an address by starting to type the name of the entity you are searching. Once select your address, it will populate in the fields below.

Enter the name and contact info below and click “Save.”

Tip: Toggle the “Save to my address book” switch to save the address to your Address Book. Be sure to select to save the address to either “Company” book or “User” book before hitting “Save.”

Tip: You may swap the “From” and “To” address by hitting the “Swap” button at the top of the address section.

Package Details

You’ll set your package parameters in the “Package Details” section.

Package Type

Select your package type from the dropdown.

Customer Packaging

The Customer Packaging option should be selected for any packages you send using your company packaging.

When selecting “Customer Packaging” you’ll have the option to create a predefined dimension by clicking the “Create Predefined Dimensions” button.

You’ll be brought to the “Settings” page under the “Dimensions” tab. To create a custom dimension, click the “Create New Dimensions” button.

The “Create New Dimensions” dialogue will appear. Enter the custom dimension name and click “Save”. Your new custom dimension will appear below in list form.

Editing or Deleting your custom package

You may edit your custom dimensions by clicking the “Edit” or “Delete” buttons.

Selecting your custom dimensions on the “Ship” page

To access your custom dimensions on the “Ship” page, select your custom package from the dropdown. The package dimensions will populate below.

Package Quantity and Weight

Enter the package quantity and weight in the “Quantity” and “Package Weight” fields.

Add-On Options

You may configure add-ons to your package. Click the “Add-On Option” dropdown menu to see the available add-ons in ShipBoss.


To add Carrier insurance to your package, select “Insurance” from the “Add-On Option” dropdown and enter the insured value per package.

Dry Ice

Do ship your package with Dry Ice, select “DryIce from the “Add-On Option” dropdown and enter the Dry Ice weight.

Toggle the “Medical Use” switch if the package is intended for medical use.


To ship your package with a Reference on the label, select “Reference” from the “Add-On Option” dropdown.

Enter your primary and secondary references below.

Tip: To use your Reference custom presets, start typing and they will appear in a dropdown menu.

Signature Requirement Options

Add a signature configuration to your shipment by selecting it from the “Signature” dropdown.

Adding Additional Package Groups

You may add additional package groups by entering new parameters and clicking the “Add Package Group” button.

Your additional package will appear below under your other packages marked alphabetically.

Cash on Delivery (C.O.D.)

You may add Cash on Delivery (C.O.D.) to your entire shipment by clicking the “Edit General Add-Ons” button.

The “General Addons” dialogue will appear. Toggle the “C.O.D” switch to activate the “Amount” field and then enter the due amount. If you need a secure payment, toggle the “Secure Payment” switch.

The General COD add-on will appear below.

Third-Party Billing

You have the option of billing your shipments to a third party in ShipBoss.

To set Third-Party billing, toggle the “Third-Party Billing” switch located at the bottom of the “Package Details” section and fill out the relevant info including the Name and Account Number of the third party you wish to bill, and then select the appropriate carrier.

Getting Rates

Once your package parameters are set and you’ve chosen your add-ons, click the “Get Rates” button and your discounted rates will appear below.


Your available rates will appear below the “Package Details” section with the Fastest and Best Priced rates being highlighted. Use the carousel scroll bar or arrows to view additional services and rates.

See the “Default” settings section on how to set your default shipping method.

Rate Details

Selecting a rate will display a detailed rate breakdown along with discounted savings.

You may click “View Package Details” below the rate details to view the rate breakdown for each package. The info will display in a floating window.

Setting Carrier Email Notifications not

You may set Carrier Notifications to receive updates about your package for the receiver, sender, or a third party.

Setting Notifications for the Receiver and Sender

To set notifications for the receiver and/or sender, toggle the “Activate Email Notifications” switch. A floating window will appear with notification configuration settings. By default, ShipBoss will set the notifications to the Receiver or Sender.

See below on how to send notifications to a custom recipient.

Toggle the appropriate notification recipient and select your desired notifications from the “Notification Type” dropdowns.

Sending notifications to a Custom recipient

You may also send notifications to a third party by entering their email address into the “Custom Email” field. A dropdown will appear with notification options.

Once you’ve selected your notifications, click “Save” and you’ll see a message confirming your setting was successfully configured. Your settings will appear in the “Email Notifications” sections.

Editing your Notification settings

You may enter your notification settings at any time prior to confirming your shipment by clicking the “Edit Notifications” button. The “Set Email Notifications” window will appear where you may make the necessary changes.

Changing a Sender or Receiver’s email

To change a Sender or Receiver’s email, you’ll need to do that in the “Address” section at the top of the “Ship” page.

Click on “Edit” to bring up the “Edit Address” dialogue and be sure to click “Save” after making your changes. The notifications will automatically go to the updated address.

Confirming your Shipment and Creating a Label

You’ll confirm your shipment and print your labels in the final section of the “Ship” page.

Label Type

Choose your label type from the “Choose Label Type” dropdown.

Emailing your Labels

By default, ShipBoss will print out the Labels to a PDF which you may print out and attach to your shipment. Still, you have the option of emailing them to another party in PDF format by toggling the “Send by Email” switch. This will automatically email your labels to the Sender.

Tip: Hovering over the small information icon will show which email address the labels will be emailed to.

Setting a Pickup from the “Ship” page

To schedule a Pickup for your package directly from the “Ship” page, toggle the “Shipment Requires Pickup” switch. You will see a message indicating you will be asked to enter your pickup info after confirming and printing your labels.

For more info on setting a pickup from the “Ship” page and regarding Pickups in general, please see the “Scheduling Pickups” page.

Confirming and Printing your Labels

Once your address, package, and label configurations are set, you can go ahead and print your labels by clicking the “Confirm and Print” button.

The system will generate your Labels and they will open on a new browser tab in PDF format.

You will also see your labels on the “Ship” page along with the tracking numbers. Clicking on the “Printer” icon will open the Labels again in a new browser tab.

You also have the option to view your Shipment on the “History” page by clicking on “Go to History” or creating a new shipment by clicking “New Shipment”.

You also have the option to view your Shipment on the “History” page by clicking on “Go to History” or creating a new shipment by clicking “New Shipment”.

For info on how to manage your shipments, see the “History” page.